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Linking oral microbes to systemic health

About Us

Jennifer Seider is the voice and name behind MicrobeLinkDX®  , but she’s more than just a pretty smile.  She’s a dental hygienist with a mission to find and fight the bad bacteria in your mouth and threaten your health.  She was one of the first hygienists in the country to use DNA-PCR , a cutting-edge technology that can identify 11 different microbes that cause diseases like heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and preterm birth.  She started using this technique in 2005.  Now she’s sharing her knowledge and passion with other dental teams who use 11microbes™ to test their patients.  Jennifer is happily married to Marlin, a former firefighter.  They have a lovely daughter named Kennedy Pearl who is 11.  The live in Cookeville TN with their furry friend Tessa, a Doberman.  Jennifer and her family enjoy traveling and spending times with friends.  Right now, they are in the season of volleyball with Kennedy.  She is very involved! 

Jennifer P. Sieder, RDH

CEO / President